Sunday, October 24, 2010

I don’t know whether it is a sweet memories to all of you but it is a sweet memories to memory during this semester when PUBLIC SPEAKING CLASS..Many tasks that were given as group discussion, as his impromptu speech and the right have we done..

There are a variety of actions, manner, behavior that we all do when asked to communicate in front of the public..The most interesting when we all have to make a collage(INFORMATIVE SPEECH)..The task, I tell about myself, my future and that the dreams of my life..I had to find materials and idea for my collage..So, I decided to create my own ‘dream wheels ‘..My friend else have their own creativity..We are looking together to create a collage of material an also started looking for pictures in old magazines, newspapers, internet and so on..

Really fun when we all exchange ideas, give opinion what we more needs to be done to our beautiful collage?..We all fervently wish for the best and most beautiful one in class..When it was time to present their collage…WOW!!!!! Very impressive..

All my friends have their own creativity..Our lectures are also encouraged by the results of all of us..Comments given by our lectures were very satisfactory..we all love so with the result that we do..

Collage is not only do we need to do, many more tasks that were given..In addition, assignment in the group discussion also make me more confident state to provide sound arguments..From there, I saw my friend for their assistance in groups respectively..

Again.. Do impromptu speech also make me scared.. I mean, when they only fear grows closer, what I'm going to talk about ideas that suddenly disappears.. No!! Others can do, why I’m not right. I tried also to prove that I shall do well..

All tasks that we do, we will strive to accomplish and do the best..For me every task that I do that, all her memories there with friends..Moreover, we all last semester, this is only the memories that we hold together..Thanks to our lecturer, MADAM HARTINI..If you guys are reading this..I want to tell that you made the best moments of my life and please do keep in touch..

The college experience is often thought of as the best years of a person’s life..It is a time to grow, learn and make memories..I feel I have made some beautiful memories..Also I’m proud to be a part of my class an d feel happy to study in such a college..

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